Sunday, April 29, 2007


You've got to start somewhere....

In purchasing a landscaped home, the second order of business, after trying to keep everything living, is to determine what everything is. We didn't make the purchases, after all. Well, maybe some of them. Here's what we've added:

Summer 2006
*Lilium - Painted Pixie and Black Bird
*Bleeding Heart

Fall 2006
*Red Tulips (with red and yellow appearance in spring 2007)

Spring 2007
*GrandGala Apple - semi dwarf
*Red Fuji Apple - semi dwarf
*Intrepid Peach - standard
*Burbank Elberta Peach - standard
*BlackGold Sweet Cherry - semi dwarf
*Valencia Orange - potted/indoor
*Eversweet Strawberry - everbearer
*Asiatic Lilies - lilies with all these fruit bearers? Free with order, of course!

Planting Season Unknown - existing garden residents (identification a work in progress)

Hardy Aster ?

Goldnet Japanese Honeysuckle

Lamb’s Ear?

Hardy fern?

Huge Round Bush Green leaves, late flowering? ¼ inch wide 2 inch long narrow leaves

Dogwood? Green leaves with yellow white around edge

Some type of perennial flower

Some type of shrub – 2 inch oval faded green leaves with red new growth

Deep red (black) very small shrub ¼ inch oval leaves

Buttercup bulbs – white flower with yellow cup center

Flowering cherry tree

Climbing rose (yellow)

Hidden shrub long narrow leaves, white down center

Spreading roses – pink small flowers

Bush – unknown near death

Bulbs yellow petals, orange layers - daffodil variation?

Unknown basement tree



Sort of ivy small leaves with white outline

Rose with yellow red flowers

?Fiesta flower

Climbing rose yellow flower

Laurel shrub border

Black Tartarian sweet cherry semi dwarf

Gala apple - semi dwarf


Golden Delicious apple - semi dwarf

Unknown tree x 3 (sandbox)

3-4 types creeping/hanging ivy shrub some purple flowers some yellow green leaves

Concord grape

Red raspberry

Strawberries - June bearing

Blue spruce x 3

Small light purple bells

Summer flowering shrub